Junior Season

Welcome to the 2023/24 season at Ormond Cricket Club. As a community club our philosophy is simple, junior cricket is all about participation, enjoyment and skill development.
Registrations will close as of August 21, 2023 to comply with SECA's team nomination deadline

Click HERE to register for the 2023/24 season but note, if you don't already have a PLAY HQ ID you will need to get one first via this LINK

Junior Programme

The Ormond Cricket Club has a full scale junior program that caters for children from the age of 5.

We take great pride in our junior development programme that starts with the Woolworths Junior Blasters Programme (boys and girls aged 5 to 7) then progresses through to the Master Blasters Programme (boys and girls aged 7 and 8) and then into our under age teams (under 12 to under 16). We offer local boys and girls the development programs, coaching, facilities and support to nurture their cricketing talent and aspirations. Run exclusively by volunteers (but we also provide paid coaches for our junior teams) Ormond Cricket Club has a long history and has built a reputation for community and team spirit, integrity and on-field success.  In season 2022/23, 7 of our 8 junior teams who could play finals did and we were Premiers in the Under 12A Grade and Under 14C Grade. Our Under 14 A Grade and B Grade teams were runners up. While our 12B and 16A Grade team played finals/

Season Launch 2023-24 

In the 2023/234 season we fielded 12 junior teams in the under 12, 14 and 16 sections in the South East Cricket Association (SECA). Our under 12A Grade team finished second on the ladder and our Under 14A Grade team won the premiership while our 14B team were runners up and our 16 A grade team lost the semi-final. We also had a large number of players represent SECA in their representative teams – an incredible achievement and further evidence of our successful junior program.

Our juniors compete in the north division of SECA which means we play teams from South Melbourne through to Moorabbin and Cheltenham on green synthetic wickets. Our junior home grounds are in the City of Glen Eira at East Caulfield (opposite Monash University), E E Gunn Reserve in Ormond and at Caulfield Park on Balaclava Road in Caulfield.

As a sub-district cricket club we also field an Under 15 representative team in the J G Craig competition (formerly R M Hatch Competition) on turf wickets. Selection trials for this competition are held in the August/September period each year and the games are in the first two weeks of January. All 32 sub-district teams play in this competition and our recent record has been outstanding:

-  Premiers in 2018, 2019 and 2021.
-  Runners Up 2022.
-  Quarter Finalist 2023 & 2024.

We are looking for more on-field success again this season and the club enforces a ‘fair play’ participation policy in the juniors that basically guarantees every player bats and bowls in every match in the U12 grades and lower grades in the Under 14 and 16's. Player enjoyment and development are an integral part of our junior mission statement and in 2024/25 we anticipate having at least five Under 12 teams plus two teams in both the U14s and U16s. We are always looking to grow our junior ranks with new players and if you are interested in joining the club simply contact our junior co-ordinator via email


You will be made most welcome and the membership subs for players in the under 12 to under 16 grades are $350 for the season that includes:

  • Coloured Ormond Training Shirt – worn at training and matches

Below are details of each respective age group’s game day and (Normal) training schedule. 

Under 12
Saturday Mornings
8.45 am to around 11.15am
Players born before 1/9/2011
Combination of 40 Overs &
T20 & 30 Overs
Mondays 5pm – 6.30pm
E. E. Gunn Reserve – Malane Street Ormond 
Under 14 Friday Evening
4.30pm to around 7.30pm
Players born between 1/9/2009 and 31/8/2007
40 Overs & T20 Wednesdays 5pm - 6.30pm
E. E. Gunn Reserve – Malane Street Ormond
Under 16 Friday Evening 4.30pm
Players born between 1/9/2007 and 31/8/2005
40 Overs & T20 Tuesdays 5pm – 6.00pm
E. E. Gunn Reserve Nets – Malane Street Ormond

* Players must be under the nominated age as at August 31, 2024. Boys and girls aged 8-15 are eligible to play in the junior teams

Policy for Safeguarding Children and Young People

Ormond Cricket Club wholeheartedly and unreservedly endorses and complies with Cricket Australia's Looking After Our Kids Code(s) of Behaviour for Affiliated Associations and Clubs and Australian Cricket Personnel per committee meeting held 21st August 2019 and subsequently re-affirmed 20th October 2020, 11th October 2021 & 27th September 2022.

Refer our Annual Child Safe Declaration

Please note:-

I, Pat Camm, as President of the Ormond Cricket Club 2024/25, do confirm that Ormond Cricket Club has fully adopted the Child Safety Framework (CSF) and will follow all aspects of the CSF in all future club activities.

Please contact our Child Safety Officer if you have any queries or concerns  

Click HERE to See Full Policy and Important Documentation...

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