Junior Cricket Season Launch

Junior Pre-Season and Training Dates

Welcome to the start of the 2023/24 season at Ormond Cricket Club.

Pre-season training for the juniors is scheduled to commence on Saturday August 26,  2023 (weather permitting). Unless otherwise stated, all training will be conducted at the nets at E E Gunn Reserve in Foch Street Ormond (just next to the ralway line).

Pre Season Sessions

The SATURDAY MORNING PRE-SEASON sessions will be a staggered start across the age groups. This will be an outdoor training session at the nets at E E Gunn Reserve located at the end of Foch Street in Ormond (just next to the railway line) :

Mid week training will commence the week that daylight savings starts (October 2). All training up to that date will be on Saturday mornings.

Match Days


To register your son or daughter for juniors (not Junior Blasters or Master Blasters) you first need to create an account in the new Play HQ platform that has replaced the old MyCricket system. If you go to Visit Website you can create an account by entering your child's name, email address etc. plus create a password. If your child already has a Play Cricket ID you can link it to the Play HQ account. 

Once you have a Play HQ account you can then register to Ormond Cricket Club by clicking on the 'JUNIOR REGISTRATION' tab opposite or visit Visit Website

Junior players must register to the SECA Juniors competition and complete all the required fields. All junior players (Under 12, 14 & 16) must register online via the above Play HQ link and pay their club membership subscription. Please note, this season the club's membership fee is unchanged at $350, however, Play HQ charge every junior player an insurance fee of $16.50 and SECA charge a $4 administration fee.  Note that if you have already registered to play this season at another club select the 'permit' option not the 'transfer' option.

This season we will continue to appoint professional coaches for our junior teams. This is a major point of difference compared to other local cricket clubs and is a big factor in last season's extraordinary on-field results. .  

Registrations currently open for junior players - follow this link.

Master Blasters and Junior Blasters will open for registration in August each year.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Juniors require a playing shirt (available from the club) - their own helmet, box, bat gloves and pads. .

Interested in joining our team?

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